Logo Cieplice Health Resort – PGU Group


ul. P. Ściegiennego 5/7

58-560 Jelenia Góra

website: www.uzdrowiska-pgu.pl

e-mail: kontakt@uzdrowisko-cieplice.pl

phone: +48 75 75 518 80

Cieplice Health Resort – PGU Group

Cieplice is the oldest health resort in Poland located in the recreational district of Jelenia Góra famous for its healing thermal springs which are well-recognisable both in Poland and across Europe. The health resort is situated near the German and Czech borders at 350 metres above sea level in the heart of the Jelenia Góra Valley. The climate of the Valley which is surrounded by four mountain ranges: Karkonosze, Izery, Kaczawskie Mountains and Rudawy Janowickie is characterised by changing weather conditions, significant air temperature and atmospheric pressure fluctuations as well as high annual insolation. This type of climate has a beneficial, stimulating and toughening effect on the visitors especially from the lowland regions. Additionally, all spa facilities are located in a flat terrain which supports locomotion of patients with locomotor organ diseases.

Cieplice Health Resort offers treatment of kidneys and urinary system disorders, ophthalmologic diseases, trauma, orthopaedic, rheumatologic and neurological afflictions as well as osteoporosis.

Cieplice was named after its biggest and most valuable asset - the healing thermal springs which were formed 16-22 thousand years ago. Thanks to these infiltration waters, which are unique in Poland and Europe, the health resort has gained esteem and respect. The fame of the healing springs and their therapeutic effect has spread across Europe while the health improvement tradition cultivated throughout the centuries is successfully continued today. The hot springs in Cieplice are the hottest in Poland and reach the temperature of 90oC.

The beneficial effect of the springs is used in water treatment, inhalations and drinking therapy as remedy to many diseases and disorders. They prevent uric acid crystallization, prevent the formation of urinary calculus in the urinary system, foster bone mineralisation, demonstrate antiseptic properties, prevent caries, warm up the body and lower the total concentration of cholesterol in the serum.

Additionally, the offer includes three gyms and 50 types of treatment in the scope of water therapy, light therapy and electric therapy based on unique treatment resources including mineral water and peloid.

Cieplice is the only resort in Poland which provides eye treatment using balneological therapy and has a specialist ophthalmological profile.


© 2013 Fundacja Klaster Innowacyjny "Dla zdrowia Sudety"
Website by: www.reklama-walbrzych.pl
Project funded by the Lower Silesian Marshal Office within the framework of a public task: Strengthen the capacity of the Innovation Cluster Foundation "FOR HEALTH-SUDETY".
Photos by: Dawid Twardowski and The Polish Spa Group